
Roll Farms


Unless otherwise noted, all goat kids are sold as well-started bottle babies, usually between 3-7 days old.  

They come with:Starter milk, nipple, applications for registration (if eligible / part of the agreement), an instruction sheet if you're new, disbudding (if requested) and tattoos.   PLEASE read the kid raising info page before you pick your kids up, it may answer any questions you have about what products to use, etc.We do not offer a health guarantee other than it will be healthy when it leaves here.  Our 5* rating on Facebook and the number of years we've been doing this should offer reassurance that we strive to help our customers succeed in their goat endeavors and ensuring that you get a good start is the best way to do that.  
FB Boer kids with registration paperwork start at $250.00 for males and go up from there.  I cannot officially price them until I see them and evaluate their potential.Boer wethers start at $100.00 for % and top out at $250.00.  Nubian wethers are $100.00 and up.Nubian doelings start at $150.00 and go up from there.
We no longer take deposits in advance of birth for kids from certain breedings but keep a reservation list.  You can request to be placed on it and will be given first consideration in the order you are on the list..  As kids are born, we start contacting potential buyers and go down the list until orders are filled...Or does are done kidding.
Once you choose a kid or kids, you will have 12 hrs to send a deposit via Paypal or deliver it in cash.  Kids not picked up within 7 days of the agreed upon pick up day will be sold to the next buyer and no deposit will be refunded*.*In the unlikely event something happens to the kid before it can be picked up, a refund will be given or you can get next choice, but....we've never had to do that....
Please do not ask to reserve a spotted kid...that is the surest way to guarantee we will NOT have spotted kids.  ;)

We do not offer delivery, meet part way, or take checks.  All sales are cash (or Paypal for deposits) only.We are not interested in trading for other livestock, meat, equipment, etc. UNLESS it's on the list below....

Possible trade list:3rd cutting alfalfa hay (if we have room) - mold-free and still leafy / green.  Working pasteurizer